Let’s face it; most consumers have mistrust in the financial services industry. Whether you’re looking at content from a financial influencer or working with an advisor in person, it’s hard to separate fact from fiction. 

Fiduciary duty was introduced to instill more confidence and trust in wealth management and investment advisors.

But what exactly does that mean? Is every fiduciary the same? Does simply working with any investment firm that calls itself a fiduciary provide you with true financial peace of mind?

At Premier Financial Group, we are committed to educating clients and keeping them well informed for greater financial peace of mind. Our mission statement is, “To be known for raising all expectations of the fiduciary wealth management industry and exceeding those expectations.” To that end, in this article, we’ll share our knowledge about fiduciary duty and how our firm extends our commitment beyond legal requirements to provide the highest level of service with Fiduciary+.

What is a Fiduciary?

At the most basic level, fiduciaries have a legal responsibility to act in the best interest of their clients with care, loyalty, honesty, and good faith. Fiduciary duty is overarching, broad, and applies to the entire advisor-client relationship. 

At the very least, the duty of care includes:

  • Providing advice that is in the best interest of the client.
  • Seeking the best execution of a client’s transactions.
  • Providing advice and monitoring over the course of the relationship.
  • Making full and fair disclosures of all conflicts of interest.
  • Placing the client’s interest ahead of their own.
  • Maintaining 100% confidentiality on all matters.

This vague definition means there aren’t many measurable standards for fiduciary professionals to follow. As a result, many stick to the bare minimum. They provide a one-size-fits-all approach to every client, making false claims about expected returns and failing to disclose hidden fees built into investments and specific funds. 

Premier Financial Group feels that an investment fiduciary owes its clients much more.

Taking Fiduciary to Another Level 

Premier Financial Group has not achieved the success it has today by servicing clients at the minimum level. Fiduciary+ is our extended fiduciary commitment, raising the bar for what clients should expect when working with a fiduciary wealth manager in terms of integrity, transparency, and education.

Led by Integrity

Our core value of integrity informs everything we do. Investments are made based on clients’ risk tolerance and financial needs, using a firm-wide philosophy that ensures continuity and stability. Advisors set reasonable expectations and make recommendations based on a client’s unique situation, drawing from the realities of the markets, economics, and other factors that impact wealth. No short-term trends, investment fads, or baseless speculation. 

Rather than applying a cookie cutter strategy, our advisors take an individualized approach, taking the time to understand every client’s unique situation. We are our clients’ champions, helping them achieve their financial goals, celebrating their successes, and guiding them during challenging times. 

Sharing What we Know

Beyond providing excellent service, we want our clients to be informed to make their own financial decisions with confidence. Our advisors coach clients to help define their own best interests, educating and empowering them to realize the full picture of their financial standing. We provide complete transparency into our investment strategy and recommend options clients may not be well informed about.

Fiduciary+ represents our dedication to maintaining the highest level of integrity in our relationships. This means:

  • Every client is highly valued with unlimited advisor contact.
  • Clients always talk to a live person, with most messages answered within one business day.
  • All investment costs are disclosed, transparent, and reviewed regularly.
  • We do not take custody of client assets — ever.
  • We don’t make guarantees or promises to “beat the market.”
  • Clients will not be pressured to invest in proprietary products or services (because we don’t have any!).
  • Clear explanation of how fees work: Advisors aren’t paid commissions; clients pay a single tier-based fee based on assets under management.
  • Recommendations we give to our clients are based on the same investments we use for ourselves. 

You Deserve the Best When it Comes to Your Financial Peace of Mind

We know there is a black cloud of distrust hovering over the investment industry — and are here to do something about it. Our Fiduciary+ commitment means every client gets authentic, transparent, and collaborative guidance to meet their short- and long-term financial goals.

Premier Financial Group provides comprehensive wealth management, assisting our clients with:

  • Taxes
  • Estate planning
  • Wealth transfer
  • Retirement planning
  • Insurance
  • Charitable giving

Let us go above and beyond for you and future generations. Reach out to start a conversation about how Premier can help raise the bar for your investment experience today.